
On the Scene: Shutdown tips from Leader Evaporator's Bruce Gillilan
On the Scene: Defoamer tips from Leader Evaporator's Bruce Gillilan
Did You Know
maple syrup is a totally natural food
60 ml (4tbls) of maple syrup = the same antioxidant value as a serving of broccoli
maple syrup supplies more then 100% of the required daily allowance of manganese, 37% of riboflavin, 18% of zinc
Zinc reduces rick of prostate cancer
maple syrup reduces risk of heart disease
maple syrup has no fat
maple syrup has 2/3 as many calories as corn syrup
maple sugar is a great substitute for cane sugar and is full of antioxidants
Into the Woods...
We spent a few hours in the woods with Austin Purinton, of Purinton Maple & Supply, in Huntington, Vermont. He shared some useful tips and suggestions for what sugarmakers should be doing this time of the year in their sugarbush. It's 8 minutes and 30 seconds well spent, we guarantee it!