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Advantages: Join and tension in one.
4 times faster than knotting or other traditional methods.
The simple push fit maintains the inherent strength of the wire.
High load holding.
Easy maintenance - one way movement always allows for re-tensioning.
Optimum corrosion resistance.
Adjustment feature.
Use with Gripple Torq Tensioning Tool for easy installation.
Installation: Insert the first wire, then the second to make a wire joint.
Tension with the Gripple Tensioning Tool.
Use on plain wire, barbed wire or stock fencing.
Use the setting key for adjustment prior to tensioning.
Terminate at a post by looping the wire around the post ans sliding the Gripple alon the wire. Then insert the tail wire back into the unit.
Tips: Always leave a wire tail of at least 3" to allow for re-tensioning.
Secure tail wires with the gripple twister.
If the Gripple unit is pushed onto the wire too (pre-load), use the setting key to allow the unit to move backwards.

10 to 14 Gauge Gripple

SKU: 4724
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